Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Choose to Live in the Now

Belief Systems and Reality We are what we believe. Our belief system is based on our past experience, which is constantly being relived in the present, with an anticipation of the future being like the past. Our present perceptions are so colored by the past that we are unable to see the immediate happenings in our lives without distorted limitations, To experience this sense of total freedom it is important for us to detach ourselves from past, future preoccupation and choose to live in the now. We all want love but many of us can never experience it. Our guilty fears from the past block our ability to give and receive love in the present. Fear and love can never be experienced at the same time. It is our choice as to which we want to choose.

When we perceive another person as attacking us we feel defensive and find a way directly or indirectly to attack back. Anger always stems from fear and guilt. No one attacks unless he/she first feels threatened and believes that through attack he can demonstrate his strength at the expense of another's vulnerabilities. Attack is really a defense mechanism and actually only escalates the problem. The only way to make any attempts of change is to shift our perception and see the others attacking us out of fear. Fear is a call for help and therefore a request for love.

It is apparent then that to experience peace we must recognize that we do have a choice in determining what we perceive. I believe deep down this is why loved ones find it so hard to leave their alcoholic family members. Many of our attempts to correct others, even when we believe we are offering constructive criticism are not really attempts to attack them by demonstrating their wrongness and our rightness. Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others, but by accepting them as they are.

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